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5:27 AM | Author: munib


Blue Star Craola.jpg (383006 bytes)BLUE STAR CRAOLA Lee Walker '08 JA. 31" M 3F dark red violet based standards with faint yellow signal and with flue violet center and veining over light gray blue, gray styles with red violet rim and tip, gray blue-white falls with blue violet halo and faint blue violet edge extending half way up, medium yellow signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00
Blue Twilight Moon.gif (194016 bytes)

Blue Twilight Moon Walker '06 med red violet styles, red violet falls veined dark red violet with a blue halo around greenish yellow signals $25.00

Butterflies In Flight Aitken’91 6F 42”ML heavily veined blue violet, dark violet styles, yellow signal $5.00
Caprician Butterfly.gif (26566 bytes)Caprician Butterfly Marx/Rogers ‘85 6F 36”M S. Dk. purple, fringed white edge, F. white heavily veined dk. purple, gold signal $6.00
Cascade Spice.gif (51088 bytes)Cascade Spice Reid’89 6F 40”M ruffled white with rosy purple edge and flecking, yellow signal, white styles, purple crests $5.00
Center of Attention.gif (39800 bytes)Center of Attention Rich’86 6F 36”M ruffled violet veined darker with silver edge, yellow orange signal $5.00
Chigokesho.gif (37389 bytes)Chigokesho Seto’39 “Childs Festival” 6F whit self with bright orchid brushed around yellow signals $7.00
Craola Kiss.gif (163096 bytes)Craola Kiss Walker’05 33” M 6F, white ground with red violet halo overlay, veins and red violet edge, yellow signal, dark red violet style arms tipped gray. $25.00
Dancing Waves.gif (26802 bytes)Dancing Waves Payne’64 6F 42” ML, blended dark violet center to mulberry-purple to violet edge & veins, thin white edge $6.00
diomedes.gif (36685 bytes)Diomedes Innerst’92 6F 40” ML light blue with wide violet edge, yellow signal $5.00
Dirigo Devil.gif (42402 bytes)Dirigo Devil White’92 6F 40” EM red purple splashed white, yellow signals, violet styles with white midrib tufted violet $7.00
Electric Glow.gif (33773 bytes)Electric Glow Aitken’92 6F 38” ML blue with lighter blue rays, ruffled violet edge $5.00
Electric Rays.gif (42453 bytes)Electric Rays Aitken’90 6F 40”M ruffled mid violet with light blue electric like rays in falls, yellow signal $5.00
Enchanted Lake Payne’52 3F 35”E short light red violet standards, falls have dark blue violet center, prominent dark veins, light blue edge, blue styles with white midribs, blue halo aroundyellow signals $6.00
First Strike Craola.gif (1944926 bytes)First Strike Craola Walker’05 JA, 29” M standards blue gray overlaid with red violet with gray midrib, styles are gray tipped and rimmed with red violet, falls are gray overlaid blue violet with blue violet veining and a red violet rim, rayed signal is medium yellow. $25.00
Flashing Koi.gif (43031 bytes)Flashing Koi Marx’78 36”M 6F white with dark red purple halo and veins, dark red purple styles $6.00
Freckled Geisha.gif (37874 bytes)Freckled Geisha Reid’81 36”EM 6F ruffled white with hairline edge of deep maroon, sprinkled with wine and mauve freckles, white styles edged mauve, amber signal $6.00
Frostbound.gif (32036 bytes)Frostbound Rich’71 30”M 3F deep plum violet with darker veining & white edge $6.00
Frosted Pyramid Marx’60 38”M 9-12F ruffled pure white self, $5.00
Funa Asobe Kamo’95 3F 36” M lavender standards, blue violet falls with white midribs & veins, white styles, lavender blue violet crests $15.00
Geisha Mischief Maddox’71 40”M 3F red violet self, falls are marbled white, blue halo around yellow signals $10.00
Glittering Rays.gif (46234 bytes)Glitering Rays Innerst’98 36”M 6F red purple with bright blue rays extending from gold signal $12.00
Hatsu Kagami.gif (36829 bytes)Hatsu Kagami “Pink Maid” Hirao’92 36”E 3F pink self, falls veined darker, yellow signal $10.00
Hekito “blue wave” Hirao’92 6F 31” L, cobalt blue self with white styles and yellow signals $7.00

Kokyo-No-Haru SJI’93 32”E 3F ruffled light pink, yellow signal $20.00

Kool Craola.gif (170014 bytes)

Kool Craola Ice Walker’06 gray ground standards overlaid and veined dark red violet, dark red violet styles, gray falls overlaind red violet with a medium red violet edge and dark violet blue veining $25.00

Kontaki-On Rich’86 6F 36” M, water-flow blue over silver, yellow signals, light blue styles $6.00
Koshui-No-Asa.gif (40956 bytes)Koshui-No-Asa Shimizu/Warner’98 9F 32” M, bright sky blue self with yellow signals $15.00
kyomi.gif (37413 bytes)Kyomi Mitsuda’93 red violet standards edged white, white styles, red violet crests, sanded red violet ruffled falls with white veins $20.00
Lasting Pleasure.gif (48015 bytes)Lasting Pleasure > Ackerman’85, 6F 33”M, dark purple violet self, lighter ground with near white edge, yellow signals, dark purple violet styles $6.00

Lavender Blue Skies Walker’06 medium lavender violet petaloids, falls lavender pink with bright lavender blue veining and halo around yellow signal $25.00

Masumu-No-Sora.gif (48298 bytes)Masumu-No-Sora Mitsuda’93 6F 37” ML, silvery violet ground with darker violet halo and veining, yellow signals, violet styles silver midribs $15.00
McKenzie Sunset.gif (34733 bytes)McKenzie Sunset > Reid’89 39”M 6F ruffled violet, white area around dark amber signal with white rays, white styles tipped violet $6.00
Midnight Stars Aitken’88 6F 42” ML, dark red purple self with bright yellow signals $5.00
mulberry tango.jpg (37805 bytes)MULBERRY TANGO Lee Walker '07 JA. 33 1/2" M 6F gray ground overlaid mulberry violet self with blue and gray veins running to 3/4" from the solid edge, styles white with red violet edge and tip, petaloids red violet tipped violet, blue violet halo around yellow signal. ruffled. . . . $30.00
Nishikiori.gif (37329 bytes)Nishikiori Shimizu’97 36”ML 6F bright red violet streaked and mottled white, red violet styles with prominent white tufts, small yellow signal $20.00
Oregon Marmalade.gif (38079 bytes)Oregon Marmalade L. Walker’03 32”ML 6F amethyst violet, blue violet veins, darker uneven medium violet marbling, yellow signal, violet styles $20.00
Oriental Fantasy.gif (32074 bytes)Oriental Fantasy Payne’69 6F 44” EM, ruffled white falls lightly sanded mauve, cream styles and twisted stamens tipped manganese violet $7.50
Picotee Princess Reid’92 48”M 6F ruffled white sanded violet blue, heavy at the edge, greenish yellow signal, dark violet styles tufting at the center $10.00
Pink Dimity.gif (42290 bytes)Pink Dimity Reid’87 6F 36” M, lightly ruffled medium pink ground veined mauve, mauve halo and styles, $6.00
Pleasant Earlybird.gif (34833 bytes)Pleasant Earlybird Harris’96 3F 40” VE violet sanded small upright standards edged mulberry, white styles tipped violet, pastel violet falls, yellow signal white halo, very early bloom $5.00
Pleasant Starburst Harris’98 6F 48” M heavily sanded violet blue self fading out 3/4” from edge with white ray pattern and violet shoulders, yellow signals, white styles $7.00
Popular Acclaim.gif (33263 bytes)Popular Acclaim Payne’69 54”M 3F dark violet standards edged white, white falls and styles , yellow signal $8.00
Prairie Twilight.gif (47334 bytes)Prairie Twilight Hazzard’77 3F 36” E, sea lavender blue, darker blue veining at yellow signal lighter edge, large violet blue halo $5.00
Purple Plus McEwen’93 9F+ EML & VL Re rich velvety blue-purple self, yellow signals and tufted styles $8.00
Raspberry Glow Aitken’92 6F 46”ML raspberry-blue, 1” violet edge $6.00
Reign Of Glory.gif (31470 bytes)Reign Of Glory Marx’53 40”M 6F blue violet self with large white halo and veins, white styles with violet crests $6.00
Rolling Seas Aitken’94 48”ML 6F soft mid blue self with rolling ruffles $6.00
Rose Prelude Marx’60 36”E 6F deep rose pink self, white styles, white halo and veins $7.00
Roseworld.gif (48730 bytes)

Roseworld Reid’91 40”ML 6F lightly ruffled bright red purple with small white area around lemon yellow spears, white styles tipped rosy orchid $6.00

Royal Crown Marx’61 57”L 6F white with deep beet red border and white halo and veins, white styles with beet red crests $12.00
Sapphire Star Marx’87 48”M 3F diamond dusted pale lavender with faint white penciling, white halo, gold signals, dark lavender stands, lavender styles tipped white $6.00
Shining Prince.gif (62092 bytes)Shining Prince Hirao’92 6F 37”M deep violet, blue halo and white veins washed blue, yellow signal and white style arms $12.00
Silverband.gif (49976 bytes)Silverband Bauer/Coble’89 3F 35” EM, maroon red flowers, cream and green variegated foliage $6.00
Sing The Blues.gif (36730 bytes)Sing The Blues Reid’97 6F 36-42” ML smooth blue self with 1/2” lighter ruffled edge, green gold signals with creamy halo, light yellow styles light blue crests $12.00
Skyrocket Burst.gif (46940 bytes)Skyrocket Burst Hirao’89 3F 37”M white standards edged fushia purple. white styles with purple crests, white falls veined fushia purple with wide purple edge, greenish yellow signals $10.00
Snowy Hills Marx’54 6F 48” ML pure white self $6.00
Springtime Melody.gif (57435 bytes)Springtime Melody Reid’94 30” VVE 3F pale mauve standards with deeper veining, deep mauve styles edged lighter, white falls with mauve veins to edge and mauve halo around lemon signals veined deep green $6.00
Springtime Prayer.gif (55036 bytes)Springtime Prayer Reid’94 36” VVE 3F maroon and mauve heavily splashed and veined on light ground, gold signals serrated at edge, deep purple styles $8.00
Springtime Showers.gif (32254 bytes)Springtime Showers Reid’86 30” VE 3F red violet standards flecked and edged white, white falls marbled pale orchid, red violet & rosy lavender, lemon yellow styles $6.00
Springtime Snow.gif (38991 bytes)Springtime Snow Reid’85 29”VE 3F white self with lemon yellow signal $6.00
Tropical Storm.gif (54476 bytes)Tropical Storm Bauer/Coble’96 9-12F 40” M, violet veined darker in center with near white edges, yellow signal, white styles, crests veined violet $12.00
Twilight Marble.jpg (41593 bytes)TWILIGHT MARBLE Lee Walker '08 JA (tet). 39" M 3F this tetraploid Japanese Iris has red violet standards veined darker red violet with a thin gray edge, styles are red violet specked gray, gray ground falls are speckled red violet with a blue violet halo and veining, medium yellow signal. A hybridizers special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00
Variation In Pink McEwen’96 3F 30” E & Re phlox purple standards paling with age , white styles edged and tipped phlox purple, lavender pink falls paling with age, yellow signals $12.00
Violet Craola Vortex.jpg (46458 bytes)VIOLET CRAOLA VORTEX Lee Walker '08 JA. 36" M 3F grey-blue standards veined red violet with red violet base and rim, blue styles with red violet edge, gray-white falls with red violet base and veining, red violet edge and prominent blue halo around yellow signal, nicely ruffled . . . . . $30.00
Wilderness Amour Wood’93 6F 38” EM white ground with violet rays extending from yellow green signals, violet speckles on edges, white styles tipped violet $7.00
Wilderness Debutante Wood’91 35”M 6F crimped and lightly ruffled light pink with gold signals and white styles tipped pink $8.00
Winged Sprite.gif (45264 bytes)Winged Sprite Payne’69 42”EM 6F light blue violet with white halo and veins, white styles with violet crests $8.00
Yamato Hime Hirao’92 6F36”M ‘Pink Princess’ pinkish lavender with white center, yellow signals $12.00
Yayoi Kagami.gif (46811 bytes)Yayoi Kagami >mirror of may” Hirao’94 3F 36” E, pink with pink lavender styles $10.00

Yusho Hirao’94 38”M 6F mulberry lightly veined white, yellow signals $10.00

More Crocus
4:51 AM | Author: munib

I'm bogged down processing images, and these (it was taken 4/19) have already faded, but had put on a good show.

Mar. 27th, 2006

Mar. 11th, 2006

06:57 pm - More Crocus

I'm very glad my mother reminded me to plant bulbs, because it's satisfying to watch these open.

I'm still speculating about whether I was just insane when I planted these, if they got dug up and moved on me, or if they aren't the ones I planted at all. They're scattered directly under a shrub, when I think I planted mine in clumps, in otherwise bare patches nearby. It does look like the picture on the website, though.